Your Mind
A chance, a light, an endless flight,
soaring through the misty night,
A dream, it's fake, through I now wake,
my body trembles, shivers, shakes,
Untrue, so real, her lips I feel,
a precious moment I wish to steal,
My dream, 'twas her, my mind a blur,
I blink and yawn, begin to stir.
My heart thumped aloud and in my head,
Visions of her in silks and gowns,
Queen of my love she lives I say,
Cat got my tongue with claws of lead,
In my dreams only she is crowned,
Tomorrow she's gone, I live today.
A flight, a plane, a scarring stain, to say or not? Question remains,
Decide, must say, right now; today, my love for her I had to claim,
But wait, disgust? This was a must? Would she know love or think it
No time, too late, she'd love or hate, an answer I had to soon await.
I went to that old station, one train,
To look for her, for me to see,
A goddess on earth my heart felt for,
I run to her, began to claim,
Love exerting to her, from me,
How I wished for something more.
A gasp, a stare, the devil's lair? Would I be left alone and bare?
Movement, to me, a smile of glee, as if a Rolex offered for free,
A kiss, my cheek, wanted to speak, though she told of her heart and hw
And now, a change, newly set range, her words of love now sounded so
It all worked to plan, how was this so?
A loving bond we found to share,
And thus my tale shall now conclude.
Without fear the feelings flow,
'Twas evident I left the Devil's lair,
With joy following a woeful prelude.
-Peter Kelly