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This poem dedicated to Ginny by webmaster

As time goes by, as it surely must do,
Does a part of me still rest inside of you?
Do pieces of me and what we had,
disturb your sleep and sometimes make you sad.

When you hear special songs do memories invade,
the space where pieces of me were layed.
Do you still feel maybe, a little spark,
for the leftover pieces of me in your heart.

I gave to you all the pieces and bits of my soul.
One by one, you in turn gave me yours.
Now what do I do with the ones still in my heart?
The ones that keep tearing me apart?

The pieces of you that you gave, make up a big part of me.
You were my hero, the love of my heart!
I can't go on with these pieces left of you, locked inside,
I can't find where you end, and I start!

- by Katie Klopfer

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